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The perfect collaboration between you and your therapist 


Dear Friends,

As you know, I am currently in the process of writing another book. This work dives deep into foundational elements of therapy/coaching and through this, the therapeutic relationship with clients. As therapy/coaching is a collaborative relationship, I feel it's important to include within this book the client's perspective, specifically with regards to:

1) What works for clients;

2) What doesn't work for clients;

3) What clients are seeking from therapy itself.

If you could spare 5 minutes to complete the below survey that would be much appreciated. All responses are anonymous, however by completing this survey you will give Noula Diamantopoulos (me) permission to use your answers within my book and across any associated marketing efforts. 

My sincerest thank you in advanced.


Pencil Bunch
What is your age group?
Which of the below best describes you?

Thanks for submitting! Your anonymous responses have been sent to Noula.

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